Jan. 22, 2019 - Duval has the oldest schools in Florida with the majority of schools being more than 50 years old. The condition of our schools buildings impact property values, local business development, and most importantly, student learning.
Join the School Board Members and Superintendent Dr. Diana Greene to learn more about our schools and the process to improve the learning environment for our teachers and students. There will be a moderated discussion where your questions will be answered.
Please note that these meetings will primarily provide an overview of the status of our buildings. No recommendations have been determined at this time. We are still working with outside contractors to determine tentative recommendations, and will hold meetings later this spring to go over those recommendations.
Join the conversation, Team Duval. The following meetings begin promptly at 6 p.m.:
Thursday, Jan. 31
Loretto Elementary School
3900 Loretto Road
Hosted by The Honorable Lori Hershey
Thursday, Feb. 7
Paxon School for Advanced Studies
3239 Norman E. Thagard Blvd.
Hosted by The Honorable Warren Jones
Monday, Feb. 11
Douglas Anderson School of the Arts
2445 San Diego Road
Hosted by The Honorable Ashley Smith Juarez
Tuesday, Feb. 12
Alimacani Elementary School
2051 San Pablo Road S.
Hosted by The Honorable Elizabeth Andersen
Monday, Feb. 25
Edward White Leadership Academy
1700 Old Middleburg Road
Hosted by The Honorable Charlotte Joyce
Wednesday, Feb. 27
Andrew Jackson High School
3816 N. Main Street
Hosted by The Honorable Darryl Willie
Thursday, Feb. 28
Terry Parker High School
7301 Parker School Road
Hosted by The Honorable Cheryl Grymes
Editor's Note: Periodically, the district commissions what’s called a “Facility Condition Index” or FCI. This is a process by which all the district’s school buildings and facilities are assessed. The FCI is used to help create a “Master Plan” in which recommendations are made. Recommendations can include repairs, school closures and/or new school buildings. The results of the most recent FCI were shared with Board members this past December. The above community meetings are the next step in the process. At these meetings, the FCI results will be discussed. Later in the spring, as recommendations are developed, the district will host community meetings to go over the recommendations.